In 2022 StopReflectVerify.com launched an evidence-based online quiz aimed at internet users among the 22.1 million registered voters to tackle election-related misinformation and…
In 2022 StopReflectVerify.com launched an evidence-based online quiz aimed at internet users among the 22.1 million registered voters to tackle election-related misinformation and…
In 2022 StopReflectVerify.com launched an evidence-based online quiz aimed at internet users among the 22.1 million registered voters to tackle election-related misinformation and…
Headlines, images, social media teasers, and other content can be used directly or inadvertently to promote false news, support or legitimize misinformation, and feed conspiracy theories. So how…
Fake and biased news are two different things. Fake news is without basis or fact. Biased news presents facts, but does so selectively and/or with language that sensationalizes. Almost all…
It’s easy to see why fake news is a problem, but it’s harder to identify and prevent it from spreading. Many social media users, including journalists and politicians, are aware of issues…
With 2022 being an election year, StopReflectVerify.com has launched an evidence-based online quiz aimed at internet users among the 22.1 million registered voters. The quiz addresses key…
The impact of fake news in Kenya started earlier but culminated in 2007, when a disputed election led to Kenya’s worst post-election violence, in which the media was criticized for…
Digital Media in Kenya has caught up with television, one of the country’s most accessible traditional media channels. In a 2021 GeoPoll survey sampling 1,905 respondents, 8 out of every…
Kenya’s media landscape presently comprises a wide variety of print, television, and online platforms. The private sector is largely responsible for the generation and distribution of…