Africa’s First Fake News Quiz With A Focus On Covid-19. How good are you at spotting fake COVID-19 news? Test your knowledge, and take the quiz!

In 2020 and early 2021, StopReflectVerify tested the public on their knowledge of Covid-19 prevention, best practices and popular myths.

Efforts to create and promote the quiz included research, media outreach, and a social media campaign.

The quiz also educated users on the fact-checking process and how to spot misinformation. By sharing links to resources and potential partners, we gave quiz takers the access and opportunity to learn more.

StopReflectVerify attracted curious digital citizens who took the Covid-19 quiz from Nigeria to Peru, and other countries across the globe. The initiative, which was made by a team of designers, researchers, and volunteers, has a shared vision for a better informed and equipped public. Kenya’s “forwarded as received” culture means that some internet users have good intentions even when sending dangerous misinformation to their private messaging groups.

The StopReflectVerify annual quizzes exist to inform, equip, and support behaviour change and deliver media literacy to the continent and the world.

You can support us by sharing our Covid-19 quiz with friends, family, and colleagues. Take the covid-19 quiz, share your score on social media, and challenge others to test their knowledge.