Stop Reflect Verify

Fact-Checking Resources

You’ve taken our quiz, now what? Get educated on the fact-checking process, how to spot misinformation, and avoid spreading it further with our fact-checking resources.

To support you, we’ve shared links to resources and potential partners so you can have the access and opportunity to learn more.

African Resources

Stop Reflect Verify

Africa Check

Africa Check started in 2012 and is the continent’s first independent fact-checking organisation. Having published over 1,500 in-depth fact checks across a range of topics from health, education, crime, economy and social media myths and urban legends.

Africa Check works across the continent and publishes in English and French.

StopReflectVerify is proud to have a collaboration and partnership of Africa Check in delivering the 2020 misinformation quiz

Stop Reflect Verify


PesaCheck began by publishing fact-checks focused on finance and statistics quoted by public figures. They expanded to solve for verification of data including budget and census data as well as the broader misinformation landscape. PesaCheck publish in French, Swahili and English.

StopReflectVerify is proud to have a collaboration and partnership of PesaCheck in delivering the 2020 misinformation quiz

Stop Reflect Verify delivered a quiz called Choose your Own Fake News, which is an interactive digital quiz where you play as Flora, Jo, or Aida – all from EastAfrica – and navigate a world of misinformation and disinformation.

StopReflectVerify is proud to have a collaboration and partnership of in delivering the 2020 misinformation quiz

International Resources

Stop Reflect Verify

A pioneer in providing resources around understanding the misinformation and disinformation ecosystem.

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Tactical Tech’s popular Data Detox Toolkit created one focused on Health misinformation that’s a worthwhile read.

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MediActive by the News Co/Lab at Arizona State University is an online course to improve media literacy skills.

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ShareVerified by the United Nations is a UN-led effort to raise media literacy in society.

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One of the world’s longest-running fact-checking and myth-busting websites.


A public health campaign raising awareness that COVID-19 is airborne and encouraging people to adopt harm reduction measures.

Do check out members of the Poynter Institute’s list of accredited members of its International Fact-Checking Network.